Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education


     The main purpose of education is to awaken a desire of learning in the student. Motivation is imperative for a student to reach his or her full potential.  A desire to learn will allow the student to fully discover their own potential.  This can be accomplished by using interdisciplinary teaching, having high expectations for your students, and by embracing diversity within the classroom and community. This diversity includes socioeconomic, cultural, religious, and ethnicity.  All students are capable of learning. Some will learn differently than others. 

      It is the responsibility of the teacher to locate the key that fits each child’s style of learning.  An effective teacher has more than one key ring. He or she should have three main sets of keys. The first set of keys would be for organization. Organization is a necessity. The second set of keys would be for with-it-ness and classroom management. A teacher needs to be aware of what is going on in the classroom and be able to successfully manage whatever obstacles are thrown his or her way. It is preferable to look at each unexpected occurrence as a possible teaching tool. Again, you just have to have the right key to make it work. The third set of keys would be for flexibility. A teacher must be able to adjust to the unforeseen. Lastly, keep spares for the keys that are found to be most valuable and are used most often.

     The student’s responsibilities in the classroom are to come to school ready to learn. They should always attempt to do their very best work. They should strive to follow the rules (which are agreed upon between the teacher and the class). When transgressions occur the student should apologize or make any reparations within their control. It is important for students to learn the social skills which will lead to their becoming successful adults and citizens.

     A teacher should always be willing and able to embrace educational renewal and reform. Over time it is possible that a school system’s emphasis on specific methods of learning will change. Certainly there will be new methodologies that will surface. Teachers need to be open to what new ideas are on the horizon and where education is heading. Technology is enough in and of itself to necessitate continuous educational renewal. Teachers must keep themselves current with the use of multimedia and any innovative keys that are opening the minds of today’s students.